Que pasa cholos?
Well another week has pasted by and it went pretty fast. Well before I forget dad we actually had changes yesterday... I forgot to tell you guys in my last letter, I told josh in his but he must have forgotten to pass the word. Turns out I’m going to be staying here in Etla for 6 months of my mission and I’ll be here for another change with Elder Torres. It will be interesting because this is our third change together ha-ha. He’s a good kid and we get along well but I’m sure you all remember from your missions that after a little time together with your comps things start to get hard. Well have been comps for 4 1/2 months when all is said and done. Also I did get the package you sent so that was sweet. Thanks so much for the supplies they were needed.
Well today I would like to share something that I learned this past week. I was reading a talk the other day by Elder Dieter F Uchtdorf called “The Merciful Will Receive Mercy”. I love this talk. It talks a lot about how we need to be willing to forgive others and not judge. He shares a Scripture that I have always liked in which it says pray for your enemy's, serve them, love them. I have also learned here on the mission that we are all children of God. He loves us no matter where we live, what we look like, or the color of our skin (I know you all know that also). Well with that said I would like to share a little story that happened this week.
The other day E Torres and I decided that we needed to visit a pueblo called Nazareno and do some contacting over there. The day before we had lots of success and were able to get into some doors. The day actually started off really well, the first door we knocked we were invited in (something that really doesn’t happen much here). As we continued to knock doors we passed by a middle aged man who was cutting some of the weeds in front of his house with his machete. I had the feeling to stop and ask if we could help. (Looking back I think it was the spirit telling me to keep walking) The first thing he said after I asked if we could help was pretty offensive and it was directed towards me ha. I gave a little laugh and decided to let my comp take over. Well I don’t know what I did to this guy but for some reason he didn’t like me. He kept asking me questions followed by offensive remarks. Long story short It didn’t take too long before I started to get a little angry...... this guy was really offensive and after talking with him for a bit I gave him a little part of my mind. I tried to teach with love but what he was saying made it really hard, he knew where to hit me where it hurt. I gave him a card with our Numbers and we left. Afterwards I was pretty hot. The spirit was gone and all I could think of was how rude and immature he was.
Then I remembered the talk I had read a day before. I knew that in order to regain the spirit that I had to apply that talk in my life and pray for this man. The song came to my head called “I Pray for you” in which it says I pray your breaks go out running down a hill and a flower pot falls from a window seal and knocks you in the head like I want to ha-ha. jk But I started to pray and after I felt the same as before, angry. I’m not sure how many times I prayed to ask for forgiveness for my actions and strength to forgive him for what he said but I know that it wasn’t easy and took a couple attempts. The point of this story is that we need to forgive those who offend us and pray for them. A lot of times when we are angry or hurt it is easy to judge others but I like the advice Elder Uchtdorf said, when we catch ourselves judging or angry at others to STOP IT! It was hard but I honestly felt like I was able to forgive the man and I feel content.
I hope all of that was able to make sense, If not read the talk it’s great. I just wanted to share with you this experience that I had and to testify that praying for forgiveness and praying for the strength to forgive works. And when all is said and done you will feel better and be happier. I love you all so very much and I hope you have a great day/week. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you all. You’re in my prayers daily.
Con Amor Elder Hope